Stone CDN nodes are connected to data centers in major continents, with a maximum speed of 5Gbps per server. Say no to network attacks!
You must know
When using Stone CDN services within the territory of the People's Republic of China, you are required to comply with relevant national laws, regulations and administrative provisions such as "Measures for the Security Protection of International Networking of Computer Information Networks", "Provisional Regulations on the Administration of International Networking of Computer Information Networks in the People's Republic of China", "Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China", "Decision on Safeguarding Internet Security by Standing Committee National People’s Congress" , "Administrative Measures for Internet Information Services" and "Provisional Regulations on Management over Internet Culture". You shall not produce, reproduce, publish or disseminate any harmful information prohibited by laws and regulations. If your behavior violates these provisions or causes political responsibility, legal liability and economic losses to Stone CDN due to inappropriate information release, you will be held fully responsible.
Done! Now when you successfully register, you will get a very useful CDN !
This project has been running steadily for six months and is currently in a public welfare state. Any liability issues caused by your use of Stone CDN are solely your responsibility.
Stone CDN's service is positioned for international routes. We do not have edge nodes in mainland China, and all Asian regions use overseas nodes as edge nodes. However, our speed is good globally. For example, the following are test speeds in China: